Bazaar - Lime Trade Turkey - AKAR Lime Trade Consultant and Analysis Company

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Steel Making—converting iron ore to pig iron; as flux agents in primary furnace operations, and refractory sustainability
Flue Gas Desulfurization—emissions control in the power generation industry
Road Construction—Soil stabilization, soil modification and asphalt additive
Masonry and Mortars—type “S” hydrated lime for mortars, stuccos, and finishing plaster
Water Treatment—Drinking Water Treatment; Municipal Waste Water Treatment; Industrial Waste Water Treatment; Mining Water Treatment
Chemical Processes—the production of many consumer goods such as soap, glue, sugar cubes, leather and more
Mining—Refining metal ores and non-ferrous metals such as copper, zinc, nickel, gold, silver, and aluminum
Paper, Pulp, and PCC—as filler in paper to improve optical properties and preserve our forestry
Remediation of Soils, Industrial Sludges and Animal Waste—the treatment of soils, sludges and animal waste, and the production of fertilizer as a byproduct
Glass Making--Fiberglass Manufacturing; Soda Lime Glass Manufacturing
Special Applications for Milled Limestone—Roofing Shingles, Animal feed, Flue Gas Desulfurization, Glass, Carpet, Coal Mine Dust, Construction, and Oil & Gas

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